School Week

Form Time

Pupils should remain in the Atrium and canteen area until the bell rings 8.50am each morning, then proceed to their form room. Morning registration will take place in the form room from 8.50am – 9:00am. The form tutor will be there to mark the attendance register and update pupils with daily news. Pupils will be marked late if they arrive after 8.55am.

Subject classes begin at 9.00am each day.

Break Time

Junior break is from 10.15am to 10.30am

Senior break is from 10.00am to 10.15am

  • snacks may be bought in the dining hall but pupils may also bring in their own snacks
  • snacks must not contain nuts
  • energy drinks are not permitted in school

Lunch Time

Junior lunch is from 11.50am to 12.25pm

Senior lunch is from 12.25pm to 1.00pm

At lunch time pupils may:

  • buy lunch from the menu in the dining hall
  • bring a packed lunch

Pupils in Years 8 -12 are not allowed to leave the school building without permission. Lunch time supervisors, senior staff and prefects will be on duty if there are any problems. Afternoon school will begin after lunch at 1.00pm when form tutors will mark the afternoon attendance register.

Home Time

Classes end at 3.15pm from Monday to Thursday.

School finishes on Friday at 1.20pm to allow for staff training.